Thursday, December 1, 2011

In the class writing exam

Boy: Dad I got a girlfriend

My Boss Wana Add Me In FB, WTF

Y u no let me write more

Frying egg and when egg yolk breaks..

Almost asleep and your phone buzz

I'm hungry, lets order Pizza

After paying all your bills

I need blue

Waiting for the bus, but decided to walk away

Happy Birthday

Shrunken meat

Waking up at night, Its like 2 or 3 am

I'm so comfy here in my bed, I'm protected from the rain here in my very warm quits

I wonder what my voice sounds like

Safely remove hardware error

I'll take a K

Hitting your toe at the edge of the bed after waking up

The split in my mouth healed

Lets ignite the computer

Playing with toothbrush

Piece of dried skin on my lower lip

That girl is kind of cute

Why make my bed if I'm gona sleep in it

Buy a ship, buy a relation, now you have a relationship

Let me check facebook for 5 min

Forever alone

I think too much and then put myself in a bad mood

Awkward moment when people singing "happy birthday" to you